I'm not one to count, but one whole year ("officially") with her has come to pass.One whole year of everything I've been looking for, and I'm thankful for all of it. I may be forgetful -- especially for the little things -- but I won't forget how much fun we have. Many more memories to come, I know it. People have told me that not fighting isn't healthy, but I don't believe that. It was a comfortable quiet celebration, but that gave me more time to talk to you and think about everything.
You're so thankful of the things I do for you, that's something that I've never received before. You've been such a great influence and motivation. You're so thoughtful, and fun, and loving. And you talk to me. I get some people asking me about what we talk about on the phone, and I honestly don't remember everything. I do know that I enjoy talking to you. You listen and you tell me everything.
The next year with you in the same school! I haven't told anyone at all but God knows how much I want to tell everyone. Maybe more of your hardworking personailty will rub off on me?
Thanks for this past year, MJ. Much, much more will come, I know.