

Monday, July 19, 2010

Prepare yourself.

I haven't had a whole day to myself to play around with my sexy Bamboo, but I'm starting tonight. It's going to be fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun!

Expect some awesome amazing weird sudden unexpected non-important mind-blasting random terrifying cool shocking mysterious funny plentiful changes to go on here (layout-wise). Maybe I'll learn some html. Maybe I won't. Maybe kinkeejou shall be my guinea... bean.

Okay bye now

Monday, July 12, 2010

One, you're like a dream come true.

I'm not one to count, but one whole year ("officially") with her has come to pass.

One whole year of everything I've been looking for, and I'm thankful for all of it. I may be forgetful -- especially for the little things -- but I won't forget how much fun we have. Many more memories to come, I know it. People have told me that not fighting isn't healthy, but I don't believe that. It was a comfortable quiet celebration, but that gave me more time to talk to you and think about everything.

You're so thankful of the things I do for you, that's something that I've never received before. You've been such a great influence and motivation. You're so thoughtful, and fun, and loving. And you talk to me. I get some people asking me about what we talk about on the phone, and I honestly don't remember everything. I do know that I enjoy talking to you. You listen and you tell me everything.

The next year with you in the same school! I haven't told anyone at all but God knows how much I want to tell everyone. Maybe more of your hardworking personailty will rub off on me?

Thanks for this past year, MJ. Much, much more will come, I know.